E-file Manager Filters

Filters allow you to select which e-files you want to view at a specific time. You can filter the E-file Manager view based on Return Type, creation status, transmission status, or completion status.

Return type filters appear dynamically, based on the data in your system. For example, the system shown below only contains returns that fit the Individual and Other categories:

E-file Manager filters

Use the following filters to manage the e-file returns that appear in the E-file Manager:




Find check box and field

By selecting the Find check box, you can then search for an e-filed return by entering search criteria in the Find field. This is especially useful when you're searching for a return by last name.


Return Type (Individual, Corporate, etc.)

Select the check box(es) corresponding to the return type(s) you want to view in the E-file Manager.



View e-files that have a Created status (but have yet to be Transmitted).



View e-files that you've placed on hold.



Select this check box to view duplicated returns.



View e-files with a Transmitted status.



View e-files with a Rejected status.



View e-files that have been given a Conditional acknowledgement from the IRS. Conditional status is generally reserved for 940/941 PIN registration e-files.



View e-filed returns that have been accepted by the IRS.



View e-files that are marked Complete.



View e-files that are incomplete.


Marked Returns

View e-files that have been marked (check box has been selected)


Clear Filters button

Clears all the filters and displays all returns for the E-file Manager.



See Also:

E-file Manager